Jackie Baillie was delighted to welcome Rev Heller Gonzalez of St Augustine’s Church in Dumbarton to deliver Time for Reflection at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday (March 21st).

The rector of the Episcopal Church on Dumbarton High Street spoke at the start of the parliamentary week during the contribution which is aimed at allowing members to reflect on their public duties.

The Church has been serving free lunches for all in the community on a Friday in order to give everyone access to a hot meal and a warm, safe space. This is in addition to Community Soup which is held in the church hall each Wednesday and hosted by Food For Thought.

Rev Gonzalez made a poignant and emotive speech during the Time for Reflection slot in which he described how he and his family fled from Cuba 20 years ago and settled in Spain.

He and his wife Maria Montserrat Aparicio Arias then came to Scotland where he first served with the Episcopal Churches in Kilmacolm, Port Glasgow and Bridge of Weir.

Two years ago, he came to St Augustine’s in Dumbarton and the couple now call the town home.

In his address to Parliament, the rector spoke about the “wonderful, welcoming community spirit” in Dumbarton.

He went on to describe the efforts which community groups and churches are making to help people in society who are struggling whether that be with addiction, loneliness or financial hardship.

Rev Gonzalez asked members to act with a listening ear of their hearts in doing their best for the people of Scotland.

He was nominated to lead the Time for Reflection by Dumbarton constituency MSP, Jackie Baillie.

She said: “It was a joy to hear Rev Gonzalez deliver Time for Reflection. From fleeing his native Cuba 20 years ago, the rector has made it his mission to improve the lives of others and he is certainly doing that in Dumbarton now.

“St Augustine’s is a welcoming church and the entire church community comes together to reach out to everyone, particularly those who have fallen on hard times for a variety of reasons.

“Rev Gonzalez’s speech certainly struck a chord with me as I am sure it did with all of the members in the chamber to listen to his worthwhile contribution.

“I want to thank him, his wife and members of St Augustine’s for making the trip to Edinburgh to take part.”

Rev Gonzalez said: “It was an incredible honour to participate in Time for Reflection at the Scottish Parliament and I want to convey my thanks to Jackie Baillie for nominating me.

“I believe it is vitally important, when you live in a community like Dumbarton, that we all look out for each other and try and build each other up. I hope that my speech will have inspired members of the Scottish Parliament to make compassionate decisions with the welfare of the people of Scotland at the forefront of their minds.”

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