Jackie Baillie has warned that children across the Dumbarton constituency may be forced to start the New Year in temporary accommodation.

Across Scotland, the number of children staying in temporary accommodation has soared to a shameful record high of 8,635.

This includes increases over the past 20 years of 200 percent across both Argyll and Bute and West Dunbartonshire.

In Argyll and Bute, 45 children are now in temporary accommodation, compared to just 15 in 2002. Meanwhile, in West Dunbartonshire the figure has risen from 30 to 90 over the same period, including a 20 percent rise in the last year alone.

Overall the length of time people have to spend in temporary accommodation has also been climbing year-on-year across Scotland, with families being hit hardest by long waits.

In West Dunbartonshire couples with children are now typically stuck in temporary accommodation for an average of 243 days while this figure for Argyll and Bute is 196 days.

Jackie Baillie said: “It is nothing short of a national scandal that 135 children across West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute could be starting the New Year in temporary accommodation.

“Things are at crisis point across Scotland, after years of neglect under the SNP.

“Leaving children stranded in limbo for so long will have a devastating effect on their wellbeing, attainment and life chances.

“The SNP need to act urgently to fix this shameful dereliction of duty and make sure families in West Dunbartonshire, Helensburgh and Lomond and across Scotland have the safe, secure housing they need.”

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