Jackie Baillie welcomed representatives from Palestine to the Scottish Parliament recently to find out more about the work which is being done to improve cancer outcomes for people in the region.

Vale of Leven Hospital oncology nurse Gerry O’Hare has been involved with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) for over a decade. The organisation aims to improve the care of people with medical needs in Gaza, and the specific focus of their current work is on cancer services.

He visited Holyrood alongside MAP’s Programme Officer for Gaza, Rasha Al Moghany, Halla Keir MAP’s Advocacy and Research Officer in London, Scottish Trustee for MAP, Professor Graham Watt and Greater Glasgow and Clyde Paediatric Neurosurgeon Roddy O’Kane.

Ms Baillie hosted the event and heard from the medics who volunteer their services in Palestine about the stark situation in Gaza where survival rates for cancer are far lower than in Israel.

Indeed, treatment is limited in the region with Roddy O’Kane describing how 70 percent of applications for radiotherapy are turned down.

However, since its establishment in 2011, MAP has developed a diploma in cancer care to help Palestinian clinicians improve their services. They are also awaiting the delivery of a mammography machine to Gaza which should help support women diagnosed with breast cancer. Rasha Al Moghany described how cancer survival rates are 65 percent in Gaza compared with 88 percent in Israel.

Dumbarton constituency MSP Ms Baillie said: “To be diagnosed with cancer is devastating, but even more so in Gaza where the outcomes are very poor. The work of MAP and clinicians like Gerry O’Hare and Roddy O’Kane has been life changing.

“To continue this work, they need our support. We must share our expertise to help people who are given a diagnosis to get the treatment they need.

“I want to thank Vale of Leven Hospital oncology nurse Gerry O’Hare who has been working with the charity for over a decade to improve the situation including establishing the diploma in cancer care. His enthusiasm for this work, has encouraged colleagues like consultant neurosurgeon, Roddy O’Kane to share his expertise too.

“Indeed, a huge thanks to everyone involved in the charity and I specifically want to thank Rasha who made the trip from Palestine to the Parliament. Although a stark reminder of how desperate the situation there is, it is heartening to know that there are determined people who want to make a difference.”

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