Tory Tax credit cuts will be Ruth Davidson’s ‘poll tax’ according to local MSP Jackie Baillie. 

Tax credits were first introduced by the last Labour Government to tackle in work poverty, but under the Tories’ plans working families will be on average £1300 a year worse off.

Official statistics show that 4600 families in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Helensburgh are in receipt of tax credits.

Scottish Labour MSP Jackie Baillie blasted Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson for failing to stand up for Scotland by supporting the cuts

Jackie said:

“By standing idly by whilst George Osborne takes an axe to the incomes of families across Scotland, Ruth Davidson has had her poll tax moment.

“Tax credits work. That’s why the last UK Labour Government established them and that’s why Scottish Labour opposes these Tory tax credit cuts. They have helped countless families in West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute.

“The so-called ‘National Living Wage’ is not a real Living Wage. Under Ruth Davidson’s leadership, the Tories voted against the real living wage in the Scottish Parliament, voting with the SNP to stop Scottish Labour plans to extend the living wage to where it needs to be, low paid professions like caring, catering and cleaning.

“Scottish Labour will oppose these cuts. This is a work penalty on 4600 families in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Helensburgh.”

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