Local MSP Jackie Baillie is opening up her constituency office to collect donations of clothing and other vital supplies for refugees living in desperate conditions in Calais.



There are thousands of adults and children at refugee camps in Calais, many of whom are seeking to flee the violence in Syria, North Africa and Afghanistan.


A convoy of vans carrying supplies is due to leave Scotland for the French port town in October and over the next few weeks Jackie Baillie’s office in Dumbarton Town Centre will be collecting clothes, toiletries and camping equipment to help with the grassroots aid effort.


Jackie said:


“The Tory Government has been far too slow to respond to the refugee crisis gripping Europe and there is a growing anger at the government’s refusal to offer a safe home for families fleeing war and terror. In the absence of compassionate and strong leadership from David Cameron, ordinary people across Scotland and the wider UK are organising convoy trips and collection drives for the refugees in Calais. I know that many people in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Helensburgh want to do something to help so over the next few weeks my constituency office will act as one of the central collection points for local people to give what they can.”


The address is 11 Castle Street, Dumbarton and the office is open between 9am and 5pm Monday -; Friday. Please email jonathan.mcaveety@scottish.parliament.uk or call 01389 734214 if you have any questions.


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