Local MSP Jackie Baillie has secured a meeting with SNP Health Secretary Shona Robison to discuss the need for a north of the river-based A&E department serving people in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven, Helensburgh and Lomond.

Responding to Jackie’s question in the Scottish Parliament on 4 March, Shona Robison agreed to meet a delegation of local campaigners to discuss the issue.

During Health Question Time at the Scottish Parliament, Jackie told the Health Secretary that specialist and acute services, including Accident and Emergency, could be provided north of the River Clyde by creating a partnership between the Vale of Leven Hospital and the Golden Jubilee in Dalmuir.


Jackie said:


“People in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven, Helensburgh and Lomond should not have to cross the Erskine Bridge to access key services at the RAH in Paisley. For a number of years now I have been campaigning for a full blue-light A&E service north of the River Clyde. We need a permanent solution to local health services and the obvious answer would be to protect and enhance frontline services at the Vale of Leven Hospital and provide access to the state-of-the-art facilities at the Golden Jubilee to patients in West Dunbartonshire and Helensburgh. I am pleased that the Health Secretary agreed to a meeting and I hope the government will recognise local demand for north of the river provision for our healthcare

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